
HECC 2019 - defusethebomb RE chall


One of the reverse engineering challenges at the HECC 2019 CTF was a bomb defuse binary.

Loading the binary in IDA Pro, we can see the string It's going to go off! will be printed, and an ASCII art of a bomb, after which we are asked to enter a password to defuse it. Towards the end of the main function, we can see a basic block which tests if the input password is equal to some value. This can lead to either a basic block printing out Phew! Good job! Here's a flag for you or one printing out KABOOM!!. We obviously want to end on the Phew basic block.

Normally, I would look at what happens with the input string and try to figure it out, but as this was a very time constrained competition, I skimmed it and decided to throw angr at it, to symbolically execute until it finds the string Good job in the output.

import angr

proj = angr.Project("defusethebomb")
simgr = proj.factory.simgr()
simgr.explore(find=lambda s: b"Good job" in s.posix.dumps(1))
s = simgr.found[0]

We get the output: q8np28xncpts9avzj8.

Testing it:

$> ./defusethebomb 
It's going to go off!!
             . . .                         
             ' | '                         
Disarm password: q8np28xncpts9avzj8

Phew! Good job! Here's a flag for your hard work: y8vx28fvkxba9i