Andreea-Ina Radu


This is my personal website, which also hosts any research-related content I see fit.

I am an Honorary Senior Researcher Fellow at the University of Birmingham. Previously, I was a Lecturer and Research Fellow. I have an interest in security and privacy. More specifically, I work on contactless payment systems and embedded devices security, with Dr. Tom Chothia.

My PhD was on automotive security, and my supervisor was Prof. Flavio Garcia.

I used to organise the Ethical Hacking Club AFiniteNumberOfMonkeys at UoB – join the AFNOM Discord server if you are a UoB student interested in cybersecurity and CTFs.


PGP: 0x8C5DAF38
PGP fingerprint:
63DC CAF6 25F1 B274 A44B 3926 99F4 C7E4 8C5D AF38

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Spare time

I like reading and gaming .